Daily Dose of Heaven: Praying with Wrong motives!


Praying with Wrong motives!

"When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your own pleasures." James 4:3

God always answer when we call to him, but sometimes his answer is not what we expected. Sometimes we don't really get what we want and expect to receive from him. Why?

Today, let us discover what the scripture says about this:

1. God sees our hearts. Base on the scripture found on the 4th Chapter of James, he explained praying with wrong motive is not a good idea. We must know that God sees our heart for everything is transparent in his sight. Our parents and friends can be sometimes clueless when we lie to them and could probable not find out about it but not with God. Everything is known to God, even the very secrets of our hearts. So praying with wrong motive will not work. So we need to ask ourselves this questions when we pray:

What is my request from God? Why do I pray for it? What is it for? What is my motive in praying? Is it for my own pleasure?  

If we are praying with wrong motive and intention, God will not do it for us. God is the Alpha and Omega, he knows where we have been and where we are going. If our prayers will lead us away from righteousness, then God will say no to it or will give us a better option. Like our parents, God will not give us something that will harm us and put us in danger.

2. Moreover, the condition of the heart plays a big role in prayer. What is the condition of your heart? A heart that is right with God will always have the right motive in praying, for it is one with God. And it follows the will of God. But sin pollutes the heart.

3. For that reason, sin must not be present. Confess to God the sin that has been committed, whether it is big or small, a sin is always a sin that contaminates the mind and the heart. So we must turn away from it and be one with our creator in prayer.

I remember an illustration about a man with the devil whispering on the left ear and an angel of God on the right ear. The devil whispers and suggests ideas that appears to be right but is wrong and so the presence of the devil confuses the man on what to do. Sin also does it in our prayers, as long as we have sins in our hearts, being right with God in our prayers is impossible. So we must get rid of the sin by asking forgiveness. Sin contaminates our thoughts while we pray.    

4. Therefore, after repentance, our prayers will be selflessly following the will of God for us. When our hearts are right with God, then our motive changes. Instead of the "I" being the center of the prayer, it will become "God" as the center of it. Then we are praying for the WILL OF GOD in us and not our own selfish desire.

Today before you pray, list all your prayer request and see what are your prayers to God. Check the purpose, motive, and intention of your request. Then ask God to help you to pray. Pray for your prayer. Ask God to help you pray selflessly and according to God's Will.

Dear God,
    Thank you for your word today. I know that sometimes, my prayers are so selfish and not according to your will. My prayers are impure and are only for my own benefit. Please help me by changing my prayers according to your will. That my heart and mind will be one with you. That I will prayer with a pure heart and mind. Please help me. Let me confess my sins to you and ask for your forgiveness. Let your light shine in my heart and make me pure as white as the snow. Let my prayers be pleasing to you. If my faith is not enough for me to trust and believe you in my prayers, please show yourself to me and let me experience your power so that I may give you praise and worship  you all my life. This is what I pray in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

THE LORD'S PRAYER is the best example of a prayer that Jesus himself taught us. This can be found in Matthew 6:9-13. The Lord's Prayer is one of the topic that I will be working on shortly. Please don't forget to share the Word of God daily. Thank you and have a great day!


  1. A wonderful message to reflect. God bless you

  2. Anonymous13.2.21

    God bless u what a blessing from above 🙏 AMEN


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